In my humble opinion: A Star Wars Story

I don’t read anything anyone has to say about Star Wars. At this point, my opinions are mine and I’ll leave others to theirs. I wouldn’t mind reading about it, if I felt that I could find someone who was discussing them in the same context as I see them. However, that seems unlikely. Why, what context is that? You say…

I am in this group that is: original era Star Wars fans (probably need to be 40+ years old currently), who were fans of the series before the release of Phantom Menace, and who are so disturbed by “the Prequel trilogy” that they can’t consider it to be part of Star Wars, and who are thrilled that the series has fallen into the hands of people who love and respect the original trilogy and act, for the most part, like the prequel trilogy doesn’t exist.

Now, to me that sounds like it would be a huge group, but i’m not convinced that it is… Or, at least, isn’t a very vocal group. Too many people still consider the prequels to have some kind of value or role to the story, and so many people are strangely critical and intolerant of the new movies. Neither of these make any sense to me, so I’m just going to keep my starwarsness to myself (including here…).

Why am I going on about this again? Because I went to see Solo today, really liked it, and am saddened by it’s lackluster box office showing. I mean, it’s not even going to pass Attack Of the Clones!

Anyway, it took me a bit to come around to the actor playing Han, but really no other issues. They connected the Kessel Run, Lando and the Falcon, Chewie, his name, Jabba, his Imperial career, etc, all in ways that I thought were well done and appropriate.

I like the story and subplots, the other characters, the action was great fun, the scenery was good, i liked the presentation of the Empire as the backdrop rather than just intimidating spaceships (police on Corellia, the recruitment office, the troops on the front line), I liked the characters. I mean, it’s got Donald Glover who is great as Lando and recently really impressed me with his This Is America video, Danaerys Targaryen, and one of the major androids from Westworld! A fun movie and a welcome addition to the family.

Also, while I take a bit of issue with Rogue One being a “Star Wars Story”, rather than part of the main series, I don’t have the problem with Solo. For this movie, A Star Wars Story seems accurate. One thing that threw me is that, at the end, it does give a nod to the “prequels” but, again, it’s done in such a way that it didn’t bother me. That one segment had more quality to it then the entire “Prequel trilogy”. Note that there were only two parts of the “Prequels” that I liked at all… Darth maul and the mirrored ship of Amidala.

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