Mr. Wford

… and i’ll take the low road.

So as I may have mentioned earlier, I started a AD&D campaign. 1st Edition, as that’s what I played back in the day and what I prefer. Okay, I actually started it as a Basic D&D (because of the kids) but rapidly converted it to AD&D as soon as we started. Well,, started is a…Read more

Whither the tomes…

Well, my AD&D thing has now become a bit of a fixation. In the time spent online, both putting together my campaign environment and also just catching up on what’s been written out there, I have learned that there are a lot of resources that I find intriguing. I have gained a good number of…Read more


This was going to be a post for my old Movie blog but, let’s face it, I’m never going to have that up and running again so I may as well post it here… A couple of months back I went to a movie gathering and it got me to thinking about movies in a…Read more

Winter has come… And gone. Phew!

Okay, so I blew it on most all counts… Sansa did end up Queen in the North, but all my other ponderings failed. Though I found it surprising that Yara fell back into the seven/six kingdoms… Especially after Sansa got away with saying that she wasn’t going to. I was also hoping that GRRM had…Read more

Away they go… Now come back.

Last year, in the midst of one of our household purges of unused junk, I decided to get rid of many of my old RPG games. Of course, soon I regretted it. Primarily because I wanted to show the kids D&D, but I gave away alll of my AD&D books except for my earliest editions….Read more